The need for skills in health information technology (IT) has never been greater. Module 21 Trainer’s Guide: Improving Self-Management Support.Module 20 Trainer’s Guide: Facilitating Panel Management.Module 19 Trainer’s Guide: Implementing Care Teams.Module 18 Trainer’s Guide: Using the AHRQ Care Model Toolkit With Practices.Using the AHRQ Care Model Toolkit With Practices Module 17 Trainer’s Guide: Electronic Health Records and Meaningful Use.Electronic Health Records and Meaningful Use Module 16 Trainer’s Guide: Introduction to the Care Model.Module 15 Trainer’s Guide: Documenting Your Work With Practices.Module 14 Trainer’s Guide: Creating Quality Improvement Teams and QI Plans.

Creating Quality Improvement Teams and QI Plans

Module 3 Trainer’s Guide: An Overview of the Facilitation Process.Module 2 Trainer’s Guide: Working With Safety Net Practices.Module 1 Trainer’s Guide: Practice Facilitation as a Resource for Practice Improvement.Practice Facilitation as a Resource for Practice Improvement